Hello Parents, It is very important you update your student's information via the Parent Portal in Infinite Campus before the first day of school on 8/6/20. Your code was sent home, but if you do not have it please feel free to call the office and we can provide it for you. Below are videos that walk you through the process of updating your student's information: English video- https://bit.ly/3fKuWQu Spanish video- https://bit.ly/3hmSStB If your student has been attending HUSD please select "Update", if your student is a new enrollee to HUSD you will select "New". Please give us a call if you have any questions (760) 947-3484
over 4 years ago, Hollyvale Innovation Academy
Hello Hollyvale Families, We are busy preparing for the upcoming school year and are excited to begin. If your child is NOT returning to Hollyvale for the 2020/21 school year please give us a call at 760-998-3695. We will be available for phone calls tomorrow between the hours of 8:00-2:00. Thank you for your assistance.
over 4 years ago, Hollyvale Innovation Academy
Hello Hollyvale Families, We are busy preparing for the upcoming school year and are excited to begin. If your child is NOT returning to Hollyvale for the 2020/21 school year please give us a call at 760-998-3695. We will be available for phone calls tomorrow between the hours of 8:00-2:00. Thank you for your assistance.
over 4 years ago, Hollyvale Innovation Academy
Backpack Giveaway
over 4 years ago, Hollyvale Elementary School
Backpack Giveaway
Backpack Giveaway Spanish
Hello Families, We wanted to clarify some questions...If your child was enrolled at the end of the school year they will automatically be enrolled again for this upcoming school year. You will be receiving notification beginning next week of your child's current teacher for the 2020/21 school year. If you are NOT planning on returning to Hollyvale for the upcoming school year please notify us at 760-998-3695 Thank you and please continue to look for updates on social media and DOJO.
over 4 years ago, Hollyvale Innovation Academy
Hello Hollyvale Families, As many of you have heard we will be starting the year out with distance learning. We want to let everyone know that we will be available to answer any questions you may have beginning July 20th from 8:00 am-2:00 pm by calling 760-947-3484 We are also available through class dojo and Facebook anytime. Just a reminder, all new enrollments, and updates will now be completed online. To enroll a new student or update your current student information visit the parent portal at hesperiausd.org If you have any questions please feel free to call our helpful office ladies by phone starting July 20th. Starting next week we will also be notifying you of your child's teacher for the 2020-2021 school year. We hope that all of you are enjoying your summer and are staying healthy. We look forward to this new school year and will work hard to meet everyone's needs as we begin. Thank you for all of your support. #hollyvalehawks #TogetherWeSoar
over 4 years ago, Hollyvale Innovation Academy
Hello Hollyvale Families, If you moved and your child will not be attending Hollyvale for the 2020-21 school year please call the office at 760-947-3484 or email hollyvaleregistration@hesperiausd.org and let us know your child's name and what school they will be attending. =)
over 4 years ago, Hollyvale Innovation Academy
Parents we want to THANK YOU for your support through district learning. Continue to check our social media and Dojo for updates on next year. If your child is planning to attend a Hesperia Unified School District school next year, you do not have to return your Chromebook until school resumes in the fall. If your child will not be attending Hesperia Unified School District school next year, please stop by the office Monday-Thursday between 8:30-1:30pm to return any items. Thank you again and enjoy your summer.
over 4 years ago, Hollyvale Innovation Academy
It was wonderful to see so many students today! Thank you to everyone who came to pick up items. If you were unable to do so today you can still pick up items between 8:30-1:00 Monday-Thursday next week. If you did not receive your report card today you will receive them in the mail. Have a wonderful summer!
over 4 years ago, Hollyvale Innovation Academy
Hello Hollyvale Families, This is just a reminder that item pick up day is tomorrow from 9:00-1:00pm. We will be located in the bus circle. Please make sure to have your child's name & teacher's name posted in the window.
over 4 years ago, Hollyvale Innovation Academy
Item Pick up
Hello 6th Grade Families, All yearbooks for our 6th graders have been purchased, unfortunately they will not be here in time for our passback day. We will schedule a day after summer to pick them up here at the school. Sorry for any inconvenience.
over 4 years ago, Hollyvale Innovation Academy
WOW! This is the last week of school and distance learning. We want to thank everyone for working so hard at home. Teachers have sent home invites for Summer Intervention to selected students. Please check Dojo to see if you were selected. Enjoy your last week!
over 4 years ago, Hollyvale Innovation Academy
To allow your child access to online tools/resources over the summer, students will be able to keep chromebooks over summer. There will not be tech support available, so please make sure you are taking proper care of them. Hope this is helpful over the summer. We miss you all!
over 4 years ago, Hollyvale Innovation Academy
Hello Everyone, We are now accepting online registration for new students. If your child is already attending Hollyvale you do not need to enroll again. Please use the following link for online enrollment - https://www.hesperiausd.org/o/husd/page/enrollment--265
over 4 years ago, Hollyvale Innovation Academy
Dear families, Physical and Oral Health screening documents for registration are now available on the Hollyvale website under documents in the parent folder. Once the forms are complete, you can upload into the digital registration . Thank you so much!
over 4 years ago, Hollyvale Elementary School
We value your feedback. Please take a moment to complete a survey to help us make positive changes for Hollyvale. English = https://forms.gle/KRyTZhNbys6TL2Cq7 Spanish= https://forms.gle/H8cZAJ2TSdyBheZYA Thank you so much for your feedback!
over 4 years ago, Hollyvale Innovation Academy
Hello Hollyvale Families, This message is for all students who have instruments at home. We will be collecting instruments on Wednesday, May 13th from 9:00-11:00. Please pull into the bus circle for drop off. You can stay in your car and just hand them to us. Thank you so much!
over 4 years ago, Hollyvale Innovation Academy
Any new students wishing to enroll at Hollyvale Innovation Academy may call the school at (760) 947-3484 and/or email registration staff at HollyvaleRegistration@hesperiausd.org
almost 5 years ago, Hesperia Unified
Any students/parents needing tech support (password resets, etc.) during DIstance Learning can email HollyvaleSupport@HesperiaUSD.org Thank you!
almost 5 years ago, Hollyvale Innovation Academy
We are excited to announce that we handed out almost ALL of the chromebooks today. If you still need to pick up your chromebook you can still do so! Please arrive between 8:00am-10:00am. We hope to see the rest of you tomorrow morning. =)
almost 5 years ago, Hollyvale Innovation Academy