Just a reminder....
The first day of school is Thursday, August 5th.
You can find out who your child's teacher is on Wednesday, August 4th by logging into the parent portal : https://campus.hesperiausd.org/campus/portal/hesperia.jsp
The following is the link for Meet Your Teacher Night, but please note that this link will not be active until 4:55pm. We will resend the link out tomorrow once it is active. Make sure you know who your teacher is prior to the event. https://sites.google.com/hesperiausd.org/meettheteacher/home
All district and school offices will be closed this morning due to a mandatory all district in service. All offices will be reopening later this afternoon. Thank you for your patience.
As the school year is quickly approaching we are sure you have some questions. We have put together an informational presentation to hopefully answer any questions. If you still have questions after watching the presentation please feel free to contact the office between the hours of 7:05 am - 3:00 pm. We would be happy to assist you! Please click the link for our interactive presentation:As the school year is quickly approaching we are sure you have some questions. We have put together an informational presentation to hopefully answer any questions. If you still have questions after watching the presentation please feel free to contact the office between the hours of 7:05 am - 3:00 pm. We would be happy to assist you! Please click the link for our interactive presentation: https://bit.ly/3x8GogI
Here is a new link! https://bit.ly/3x8GogI
As the school year is quickly approaching we are sure you have some questions. We have put together an informational presentation to hopefully answer any questions. If you still have questions after watching the presentation please feel free to contact the office between the hours of 7:05 am - 3:00 pm. We would be happy to assist you! Please click the link for our interactive presentation:As the school year is quickly approaching we are sure you have some questions. We have put together an informational presentation to hopefully answer any questions. If you still have questions after watching the presentation please feel free to contact the office between the hours of 7:05 am - 3:00 pm. We would be happy to assist you! Please click the link for our interactive presentation: https://bit.ly/3x8GogI
Hello Hollyvale Families, We are busy getting things ready for the first day of school on Thursday, August 5th. To help ensure that your child has a smooth and successful first day there are a few things we need. Please take a few minutes to fill out the following form regarding dismissal. https://forms.gle/XvWQhNfbEdx6LuY27 Also, just a reminder that we need all information updated in the Infinite Campus Portal so we have current phone numbers, addresses and contact information. Make sure to save your password because you will log into the portal to find out who your child’s teacher is on Wednesday, August 6th. https://www.hesperiausd.org/o/husd/page/infinite-campus-resources Thank you and we look forward to seeing all students on August 5th.
Registration is currently taking place online. If you need assistance or support updating your parent portal we will be hosting two days to assist you. It is very important that you have all updated information so you will be able to find out your child's teacher for the upcoming school year.
Hello Hollyvale Families, We are busy getting things ready for the first day of school on Thursday, August 5th. To help ensure that your child has a smooth and successful first day there are a few things we need. Please take a few minutes to fill out the following form regarding dismissal. https://forms.gle/XvWQhNfbEdx6LuY27 Also, just a reminder that we need all information updated in the Infinite Campus Portal so we have current phone numbers, addresses and contact information. Make sure to save your password because you will log into the portal to find out who your child’s teacher is on Wednesday, August 4th. https://www.hesperiausd.org/o/husd/page/infinite-campus-resources Thank you and we look forward to seeing all students on August 5th.
The 21/22 school year starts Thursday, August 5th. Hope everyone had a great summer! #tooshort #backtoschool #IMPACTtheFutureHUSD
Hello Hollyvale Families,
We have had a few questions regarding distance learning being offered. If you are interested in distance learning it will be offered at a different location within our district. Please see the attached flyer for more information.
Registration is currently taking place online. If you need assistance or support updating your parent portal we will be hosting two days to assist you. It is very important that you have all updated information so you will be able to find out your child's teacher for the upcoming school year.
Good Evening Hollyvale Families! Please see the following flyers regarding a drive through backpack giveaway for High Desert Qualifying students. the giveaway will be on July 29, 2021 from 8AM-12PM. You can register here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/high-desert-backpack-giveaway-tickets-154859295321
Good Morning Summer School Students!
Don't forget that tomorrow, Wednesday, June 2nd is our first day of summer school. Hours are 8:00am-11:00am if you are participating we will see you tomorrow morning.
WOW! It has been a busy, crazy year and one that we will definitely remember. We wanted to give a HUGE shoutout to all of the amazing parents, grandparents, childcare workers and anyone who helped support as we progressed through distance learning, hybrid and back to full return! We could not have done it without all of you!
We also wanted to thank our wonderful teachers and classified staff members who were flexible and willing to do what was needed to make this year successful.
Through this pandemic we were able to find the value and power of teamwork! We hope that all of you have a restful, relaxing, and healthy summer. See you back August 5th!
DISTANCE LEARNING STUDENTS: We will have a Chromebook/report card exchange on May 27th from 7:45-8:45 am. It will be in drive-up format in our bus area. Please see the attached map.
FULL RETURN STUDENTS: Your teacher will give you a date to return Chromebooks from home. We are asking that all Chromebooks be returned from in-person learners no later than Wednesday, May 26th, or earlier if stated by the teacher.
Thank you for helping us wrap up this school year!
Announcing the HUSD Summer Smash Esports Tournament June 14-17 for grades 6-8. Games will include Mario Kart and Smash Bros. Register by going to the link here or scanning the QR code on the image. https://forms.gle/C9j3D3eMsa8Mmg3T6
DISTANCE LEARNING STUDENTS: We will have a Chromebook/report card exchange on May 27th from 7:45-8:45 am. It will be in drive-up format in our bus area. Please see the attached map.
FULL RETURN STUDENTS: Your teacher will give you a date to return Chromebooks from home. We are asking that all Chromebooks be returned from in-person learners no later than Wednesday, May 26th, or earlier if stated by the teacher.
Thank you for helping us wrap up this school year!
There is NO SCHOOL on Friday, May 21st for a planned Snow Day. Enjoy your long weekend! We'll see you back for our last four days of this school year beginning Monday, May 24th!
Today is the day! You can access the awards ceremony with the following link: https://sites.google.com/hesperiausd.org/hollyvaleinnovationacademy/home
We can't wait to see you!
If your child received an awards announcement we will be staring our Awards Ceremony TODAY at 5:00pm. We hope that you can join us.
Click the link and scroll down to find our 2nd Semester Awards link:
There is NO SCHOOL on Friday, May 21st for a planned Snow Day. Enjoy your long weekend! We'll see you back for our last four days of this school year beginning Monday, May 24th!